House Government Oversight Committee #
Website #
Membership, meeting schedule, videos, legislation, transcripts, and reports available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The committee shall be authorized and empowered to do all of the following:
- “Conduct hearings at any place in this Commonwealth to investigate any matter referred to the committee by the Speaker, the Majority Leader or the Minority Leader. Referred matters shall relate to executive agencies and administrative actions and may not include matters which are:
- “(a) under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Ethics;
- “(b) under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Appropriations, except matters which may incidentally include information related to expenditures of public money; or
- “(c) within the scope of an adopted House resolution authorizing and empowering a standing committee, subcommittee or select committee to investigate any matter.
“Unless in conflict with the provisions of this rule, Rule 51 shall be applicable to hearings of the committee concerning referred matters.
- “(a) under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Ethics;
- “Any action necessary to fulfill any assignment or duty given to the committee by any resolution or other rule of the House.
“The committee may issue subpoenas for documents or testimony as part of the investigation of any matter referred to the committee” (House Rule 45(A), 2021-2022).