House Appropriations Committee #
Website #
Meeting schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
- “Every bill providing an appropriation of five thousand dollars or more must be referred or rereferred to and acted on by the Appropriations Committee before final action by the House thereon, unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the members present.
- “Every bill or resolution to which is attached a fiscal note stating that the measure has an effect of fifty thousand dollars or more on the appropriation for a state agency or department must be rereferred to and acted on by the Appropriations Committee before final action by the House thereon, unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the members present.
- “A bill or resolution required to be referred or rereferred to the Appropriations Committee which received a do not pass recommendation from committee and which then is passed by the House is deemed reconsidered and must be referred to and acted upon by the Appropriations Committee if that measure has not been referred or rereferred to the Appropriations Committee before passage. The Appropriations Committee shall report the measure back to the House for action in accordance with these rules.
- “Except for bills approved for introduction after the deadline for introduction of bills, all House bills required to be rereferred to the Appropriations Committee must be rereferred not later than the twenty-fifth legislative day and all Senate bills required to be rereferred to the Appropriations Committee must be rereferred not later than the fifty-seventh legislative day. If an appropriation bill is not reported to the floor and rereferred as required herein, the bill is deemed rereferred and is under the jurisdiction of the Appropriations Committee at the end of the twenty-fifth or fifty-seventh legislative day, as appropriate” (Legislative Manual, 329).
Subcommittees #
- Education and Environment Division
- Government Operations Division
- Human Resources Division
Joint Legislative Audit and Fiscal Review Committee #
Website #
Membership; studies and assignments; memos; and meeting notices, agendas, minutes, videos, and summaries.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Legislative Management by statute appoints a Legislative Audit and Fiscal Review Committee. Pursuant to North Dakota Century Code Section 54-35-02.1, the committee is created:
- “For the purpose of studying and reviewing the financial transactions of the state.
- “To assure the collection of revenues and the expenditure of money is in compliance with law, legislative intent, and sound financial practices.
- “To provide the Legislative Assembly with formal, objective information on revenue collections and expenditures as a basis for legislative action to improve the fiscal structure and transactions of the state.”
The committee’s assignments for the 2021-23 biennium are available here.
Senate Appropriations Committee #
Website #
Meeting schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
- “Every bill providing an appropriation of five thousand dollars or more must be referred or rereferred to and acted on by the Appropriations Committee before final action by the House thereon, unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the members present.
- “Every bill or resolution to which is attached a fiscal note stating that the measure has an effect of fifty thousand dollars or more on the appropriation for a state agency or department must be rereferred to and acted on by the Appropriations Committee before final action by the House thereon, unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the members present.
- “A bill or resolution required to be referred or rereferred to the Appropriations Committee which received a do not pass recommendation from committee and which then is passed by the House is deemed reconsidered and must be referred to and acted upon by the Appropriations Committee if that measure has not been referred or rereferred to the Appropriations Committee before passage. The Appropriations Committee shall report the measure back to the House for action in accordance with these rules.
- “Except for bills approved for introduction after the deadline for introduction of bills, all House bills required to be rereferred to the Appropriations Committee must be rereferred not later than the twenty-fifth legislative day and all Senate bills required to be rereferred to the Appropriations Committee must be rereferred not later than the fifty-seventh legislative day. If an appropriation bill is not reported to the floor and rereferred as required herein, the bill is deemed rereferred and is under the jurisdiction of the Appropriations Committee at the end of the twenty-fifth or fifty-seventh legislative day, as appropriate” (Legislative Manual, 329).
Subcommittees #
- Education and Environment Division
- Government Operations Division
- Human Resources Division