- Alabama (Legislative Services Agency — Fiscal Division)
- Alaska (Legislative Finance Division)
- Arizona (Joint Legislative Budget Committee)
- Arkansas (Bureau of Legislative Research)
- California (Department of Finance)
- Colorado (Joint Budget Committee)
- Connecticut (Connecticut General Assembly)
- Delaware (Office of Management and Budget)
- District of Columbia (Office of the Budget Director)
- Florida (University of Central Florida)
- Georgia (Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget)
- Guam (Office of Finance and Management)
- Hawaii (Department of Budget and Finance)
- Idaho (Legislative Services Office — Budget & Policy Analysis Division)
- Illinois (Legislative Research Unit)
- Indiana (State Budget Agency)
- Iowa (Department of Management)
- Kansas (Kansas Legislative Research Department, Fiscal Affairs)
- Kentucky (Legislative Research Commission)
- Louisiana (Pelican Institute for Public Policy)
- Maine (Office of Fiscal and Program Review)
- Maryland (Maryland General Assembly)
- Massachusetts (State Library of Massachusetts)
- Michigan (Senate Fiscal Agency)
- Minnesota (Management and Budget)
- Mississippi (Legislative Budget Office)
- Missouri (Missouri Budget Project)
- Montana (Legislative Fiscal Division)
- Nebraska (Nebraska Legislature)
- Nevada (Governor’s Finance Office, Budget Division)
- New Hampshire (Transparent NH)
- New Jersey (Office of Management and Budget)
- New Mexico (Legislative Finance Committee)
- New York (Division of the Budget)
- North Carolina (Office of State Budget and Management)
- North Dakota (North Dakota Legislature)
- Ohio (Legislative Service Commission)
- Oklahoma (House Fiscal Division)
- Oregon (Legislative Fiscal Office)
- Pennsylvania (Office of the Budget)
- Puerto Rico
- English (Office of Management and Budget)
- Spanish (Oficina de Gerencia y Presupuesto)
- Rhode Island (Office of Management and Budget)
- South Carolina (Department of Administration)
- South Dakota (Division of Fiscal and Program Analysis)
- Tennessee (Department of Finance & Administration)
- Texas (Senate Research Center)
- Utah (Governor’s Office of Planning & Budget)
- Vermont (Department of Finance and Management)
- Virginia (Virginia General Assembly)
- Washington (Washington State Fiscal Information)
- A Citizen’s Guide to the Washington State Budget (Senate Ways & Means Committee)
- West Virginia (Senate Committee on Finance)
- Wisconsin (Wisconsin Legislative Council)
- Wyoming (Wyoming Legislature)
Budget Process by State
Updated on July 30, 2024
471 W Palmer St.,
Detroit, MI 48202 - 313-577-2731
- levincenter@wayne.edu
471 W Palmer St.,
Detroit, MI 48202 - 313-577-2731
- levincenter@wayne.edu
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