House Appropriations Committee #
Standing committees do not have individual websites. Membership and meeting agendas and minutes can be found on the Committee Overview webpage.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Appropriations Committees in both the House and the Senate consider all bills that contain an appropriation of public money. The respective committees determine whether sufficient funds are available to cover the appropriations described in the bill…The Appropriations Committees must keep an accounting of projected revenues that will be available for appropriation each fiscal year and the amount of appropriation requests contained in the various bills…The Appropriations Committees consider state budget bills such as the state general appropriations (‘feed’) bill, the capital outlay bill and omnibus reconciliation bills (ORBs)” (Arizona Legislative Manual).
Subcommittees: #
- Budgetary Funding Formulas
- Fiscal Accountability
House Ways & Means Committee #
Standing committees do not have individual websites. Membership and meeting agendas and minutes can be found on the Committee Overview webpage.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Requested from committee.
Joint Legislative Budget Committee #
Website #
Membership; meeting agendas, packets, and videos; and budget analyses available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The primary powers and duties of the JLBC relate to ascertaining facts and making recommendations to the Legislature regarding all facets of the state budget, state revenues and expenditures, future fiscal needs, and the organization and functions of state government” (committee website).
Senate Appropriations Committee #
Standing committees do not have individual websites. Membership and meeting agendas and minutes can be found on the Committee Overview webpage.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Appropriations Committees in both the House and the Senate consider all bills that contain an appropriation of public money. The respective committees determine whether sufficient funds are available to cover the appropriations described in the bill…The Appropriations Committees must keep an accounting of projected revenues that will be available for appropriation each fiscal year and the amount of appropriation requests contained in the various bills…The Appropriations Committees consider state budget bills such as the state general appropriations (‘feed’) bill, the capital outlay bill and omnibus reconciliation bills (ORBs)” (Arizona Legislative Manual).
Senate Finance Committee #
Standing committees do not have individual websites. Membership and meeting agendas and minutes can be found on the Committee Overview webpage.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Requested from committee.