House Committee on Agriculture & Food Systems #
Website #
Membership, budget request, testimony, bills in committee, news, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to the Department of Agriculture, agriculture, aquaculture, crop and livestock production, food production and distribution, agricultural parks, animal welfare, invasive species, and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(1)).
House Committee on Culture, Arts, & International Affairs #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs related to Hawaii’s multi-cultural heritage and the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts; and international affairs, foreign policy issues, and international relations; and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(4)).
House Committee on Consumer Protection & Commerce #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, news, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to consumer protection, the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, the regulation of trade, business, professions, occupations, and utilities, the Residential Landlord-Tenant Code, condominiums, housing cooperatives, planned communities, insurance, financial institutions, broadband and cable communications and services, and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(2)).
House Committee on Corrections, Military, & Veterans #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs related to adult corrections, rehabilitation, and correctional facilities and industries; and military facilities, activities, and veterans affairs; and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(3)).
House Committee on Economic Development #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to private sector job creation, public-private business or investment partnerships or ventures, new industry development, planning for economic development and diversification, industrial and product promotion and financial and technical assistance to business for interstate and intrastate commerce, and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(5)).
House Committee on Education #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to early childhood education, primary and secondary schools, continuing education, libraries, and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(6)).
House Committee on Energy & Environmental Protection #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to energy resources and the development of renewable and alternative energy resources, energy conservation; and the impact of various environmental components on the protection and health of human and wild animal populations and climate mitigation including actions to prevent or reduce the root cause of climate change; and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(7)).
House Committee on Higher Education & Technology #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to the University of Hawaii, the community colleges, and other institutions of post-secondary education, intercollegiate athletics, and the Waikiki Aquarium; and technology and cybersecurity; and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(10)).
House Committee on Health & Homelessness #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, news, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to general health, maternal and child care, dental health, medical and hospital services, mental health, hospitals, community health care facilities, and communicable diseases; and homeless services and sheltering; and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(9)).
House Committee on Housing #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, news, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to housing development financing, assistance for homebuyers and renters, affordable and rental housing, public housing, and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(11)).
House Committee on Human Services #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, news, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to financial assistance, medical assistance, vocational rehabilitation, social welfare services, the general well-being of the State’s elderly and youth, and juvenile correctional services, and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(12)).
House Committee on Judiciary & Hawaiian Affairs #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to the courts, crime prevention and control, penal code, criminal enforcement, prosecution, sentencing, disposition, and punishment, probation, parole, furlough, and other alternatives to incarceration, indigent legal representation and defense matters, civil law, firearms, weapons, judicial and legal questions, constitutional matters, the Attorney General, the Judiciary, individual rights, civil rights and liberties, the Civil Rights Commission, the Ethics Code, campaign spending, and elections; and persons of Hawaiian ancestry, including programs administered by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs; and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(13)).
House Committee on Labor & Government Operations #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to employment, government operations and efficiency, employee pay and benefits, employee recruitment, classification and training, career development, employee performance, employment conditions, standards of conduct for employers and employees, collective bargaining in public employment, the civil service system, workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation, temporary disability insurance, prepaid health care, employment opportunities, and labor-management relations in the private sector; and procurement and the Procurement Code; and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(14)).
House Committee on Tourism #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, news, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to tourism, including the Hawaii Convention Center, Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, and Hawaii Tourism Authority, and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(16)).
House Committee on Transportation #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, news, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to the development and maintenance of air, water, and ground transportation, infrastructure, and facilities, and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(17)).
House Committee on Water & Land #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, news, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
Its “scope shall be those programs relating to global warming, changing weather patterns, climate adaptation to the actual or expected impacts of climate change; land and water resource administration and use, coastal lands, the Land Use Commission, county land use planning and zoning, the Hawaii Community Development Authority, infrastructure development, outdoor recreation, drinking water and brackish waters, small boat harbors and their infrastructure, State parks, historic sites development and protection, ocean activities and outdoor marine matters, the Coastal Zone Management Act; and emergency management, including prevention, preparation, response, and recovery from civilian emergencies and disasters, and the safety, welfare, and defense of the state and its people; and other pertinent matters referred to it by the House” (House Rule 12(18)).
Senate Committee on Agriculture and Environment #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, news, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The purview of this committee includes agriculture and aquaculture, including mariculture; population; environmental quality control and protection, including litter control, recycling, wastewater treatment, endangered species, invasive species, and hazardous waste” (Senate Rule 16(1)).
Senate Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, news, presentations, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to business regulation, professional and vocational licensing, consumer protection, financial institutions, insurance regulation, public utility regulation, telecommunications regulations, the landlord tenant code, condominium property regimes, and leaseholds” (Senate Rule 16(2)).
Senate Committee on Education #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to early childhood learning; early education, including the Hawaii P-20 Initiative; public schools; continuing education; and the public libraries” (Senate Rule 16(3)).
Senate Committee on Energy, Economic Development, and Tourism #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The purview of this committee includes programs relating to energy and energy resources, including the development of alternative energy resources; programs related to economic development, including but not limited to authorities and corporations administratively attached to the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism unless the authority or corporation is within the purview of another Standing Committee pursuant to this Rule; other emerging industries development, financial and technical assistance to business, film and digital media production, astronomy, space exploration and aerospace development, biochemistry, biomedicine, biotechnology, other scientific research and development activities, recreation, including commercial ocean recreation activities, sports and athletics, and the Aloha Stadium; and those programs relating to tourism, including but not limited to the Hawaii Convention Center, Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, and the Hawaii Tourism Authority” (Senate Rule 16(4)).
Senate Committee on Hawaiian Affairs #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The purview of this committee includes those programs relating to Hawaiian affairs, including but not limited to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hawaiian home lands, sovereignty, and burial councils” (Senate Rule 16(6)).
Senate Committee on Health and Human Services #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, news, and hearing schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The purview of this committee includes general health, mental health, maternal and child health, communicable diseases, dental health, medical and hospital services, developmental disabilities, hospitals; public assistance, Medquest, youth services, day care programs under the Department of Human Services, vocational rehabilitation, long term care; promotion of the general well-being of Hawaii’s youth, families, elderly population; and issues, services, and programs relating to homelessness” (Senate Rule 16(7)).