House Appropriations and Budget Committee #
Website #
Membership; subcommittees; and meeting notices and agendas available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“A. The Appropriations and Budget Committee of the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the Appropriations Committee of the State Senate shall:
- “Utilize information collected by the Office of Management and Enterprise Services pursuant to Section 34.36 of this title and any reports issued by the Legislative Oversight Committee on State Budget Performance to evaluate management programs, operations and fiscal needs of state agencies, boards, commissions, departments, divisions, offices, bureaus, institutions and other spending agencies, including those created or established pursuant to constitutional provisions; and
- “a. a review of the agency’s programs, performance and management,
- “b. whether the agency has demonstrated a public need for the services and programs justifying the agency’s continued existence, and
- “c. whether the agency is the most appropriate provider of the programs and services furnished by the agency.
- “a. a review of the agency’s programs, performance and management,
“B. The Appropriations and Budget Committee of the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the Appropriations Committee of the State Senate shall utilize information contained in the evaluation report in determining final appropriations for state agencies and in any future adjustments in funding levels” (62 OK Stat § 62-34.95 (2022)).
Subcommittees #
- Education
- Finance
- General Government
- Health
- Human Services
- Judiciary
- Natural Resources
- Public Safety
- Select Agencies
- Transportation
Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget #
Website #
Membership and calendar available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“4.11 – Composition and Title.
- “(a) There shall be constituted a joint committee whose membership is composed of members of the House of Representatives and of the Senate. The joint committee established by this Rule shall be styled as the Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget and shall be hereinafter referenced as “JCAB”.
- “(b) The members of the Senate appointed to serve on the Senate Committee on Appropriations shall also be the members of the Joint Committee, provided, such membership may be changed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. The members of the House of Representatives appointed to serve on House Committee on Appropriations and Budget shall also be the members of JCAB; provided, such membership may be changed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Ex officio members of the committees of each respective chamber shall be ex officio and voting members of JCAB.
“4.12 – Amendments.
“Legislation referred to JCAB shall not be amended other than by adoption of a committee substitute authored by the Co-Chairs of JCAB.
“4.13 – Recommendations.
- “(a) A recommendation by JCAB of “Do Pass” or “Do Pass, As Amended” shall constitute a favorable recommendation.
- “(b) Upon adoption of a favorable recommendation by JCAB, the Co-Chairs shall cause a joint committee report to be created recording the ayes and the nays. Said report shall be filed with the chief legislative officer of the recommended legislation’s chamber of origin.
- “(c) All legislation receiving a favorable recommendation by JCAB to the chamber of origin shall contain a complete Title and an Enacting or Resolving Clause.
- “(d) No measure shall be recommended by JCAB to the chamber of origin which does not have a fiscal impact. A fiscal impact may arise from provisions affecting revenues or expenditures or from provisions giving rise to a fiscal impact upon any governmental subdivision of the State of Oklahoma.
“4.14 – Joint Calendar for Appropriations and Budget.
- “(a) There shall be constituted a joint calendar upon which only those measures receiving a favorable recommendation by JCAB shall be published. The joint calendar established by this Rule shall be styled as the Joint Calendar on Appropriations and Budget and shall be hereinafter referenced in this Rule as the “Joint Calendar”.
- “(b) Upon filing with the chief legislative officer of the chamber of origin, the joint committee report shall be published to the Joint Calendar. When published to the Joint Calendar, said report shall be distributed to the members of the House of Representatives and Senate and shall be made available to the public on a legislative day prior to consideration in the chamber of origin.
- “(c) The distribution and public availability requirements of paragraph (b) of this Rule shall fulfill all internal and external distribution and availability requirements for both chambers of the Legislature for measures receiving a favorable recommendation by the Joint Committee.
“4.15 – Consideration in Chamber of Origin.
- “(a) If a measure favorably reported by JCAB is scheduled for consideration, the joint committee report, prior to advancement of the measure from General Order to Third Reading and Final Passage, shall undergo consideration and shall either be adopted or rejected.
- “(b) Upon adoption of the joint committee report, the bill or resolution shall be considered advanced from General Order, and on Third Reading and Final Passage.
- “(c) If a motion to reject the joint committee report is adopted, the report and the measure shall be returned to the custody of the Joint Committee.
- “(d) No bill or resolution receiving a recommendation from the Joint Committee of “Do Pass” or “Do Pass, As Amended” shall be subject to amendment.
- “(e) Upon approval of the bill or resolution on Third Reading and Final Passage, the measure shall be engrossed to the opposite house in the same manner as other measures are engrossed.
“4.16 – Consideration in the Opposite Chamber.
- “(a) Upon consideration in the opposite chamber, the joint committee report, prior to advancement of the measure from General Order to Third Reading and Final Passage, shall undergo consideration and shall either be adopted or rejected.
- “(b) Upon adoption of the joint committee report in the opposite chamber, the bill or resolution shall be considered advanced from General Order, engrossed and on Third Reading and Final Passage.
- “(c) If a motion to reject the joint committee report is adopted, the report and the measure shall be returned to the custody of the Joint Committee.
- “(d) No bill or resolution receiving a recommendation from the Joint Committee of “Do Pass” or “Do Pass, As Amended” shall be subject to amendment” (Joint Rules, 2023-2024).
Senate Appropriations Committee #
Website #
Membership, subcommittees, and meeting notices available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“A. The Appropriations and Budget Committee of the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the Appropriations Committee of the State Senate shall:
- “Utilize information collected by the Office of Management and Enterprise Services pursuant to Section 34.36 of this title and any reports issued by the Legislative Oversight Committee on State Budget Performance to evaluate management programs, operations and fiscal needs of state agencies, boards, commissions, departments, divisions, offices, bureaus, institutions and other spending agencies, including those created or established pursuant to constitutional provisions; and
- “a. a review of the agency’s programs, performance and management,
- “b. whether the agency has demonstrated a public need for the services and programs justifying the agency’s continued existence, and
- “c. whether the agency is the most appropriate provider of the programs and services furnished by the agency.
- “a. a review of the agency’s programs, performance and management,
“B. The Appropriations and Budget Committee of the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the Appropriations Committee of the State Senate shall utilize information contained in the evaluation report in determining final appropriations for state agencies and in any future adjustments in funding levels” (62 OK Stat § 62-34.95 (2022)).
Subcommittees #
- Education
- General Government and Transportation
- Health and Human Services
- Natural Resources and Regulatory Services
- OMES/ARPA Oversight
- Public Safety and Judiciary
Senate Finance Committee #
Website #
Membership available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Senate Finance Committee is primarily tasked with handling legislative issues relating to state taxation, revenue and public finance. This committee also covers motor vehicle taxes and fees, the state lottery and banking issues. Agencies often working with the Finance Committee include the Oklahoma Tax Commission, State Treasurer and Office of Management and Enterprise Services” (committee website).