Administration Rules Oversight Committee #
Website #
Membership available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“To review any proposed or final rule, summary rule, agency practice alleged to constitute a rule or substantive policy statement for conformity with statute and legislative intent” (committee document).
House Municipal Oversight and Elections Committee of Reference #
Website #
Membership available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“To conduct sunset and sunrise hearings for state agencies, boards, and commissions that fall within the purview of the House Municipal Oversight and Elections Committee” (committee document).
Joint Legislative Audit Committee #
Website #
Membership and meeting agendas, packets, and videos available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The committee shall:
- “Oversee all audit functions of the legislature and state agencies, including sunset, performance, special and financial audits, special research requests and the preparation and introduction of legislation resulting from audit report findings.
- “Appoint an auditor general subject to approval by a concurrent resolution of the legislature and direct the auditor general to perform all sunset, performance, special and financial audits and investigations.
- “Have the power of legislative subpoena in accordance with article 4 of this chapter.
- “Require state agencies to comply with findings and directions of the committee regarding sunset, performance, special and financial audits.
- “Perform all functions required by chapter 27 of this title relating to the sunset review of state agencies” (Arizona Revised Statutes ยง41-1279).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on the Department of Child Safety #
Website #
Membership available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“To review: (1) the Department’s implementation of policy and procedures and program effectiveness; (2) all reports on program outcomes released by the Department to the Legislature for trends and areas for statutory improvement and audits issued by the office of the Auditor General related to the Department; and (3) policies and procedures relating to guardianships and dependency proceedings” (committee document).