House Ways and Means Committee #
Website #
Membership; legislation; and meeting schedules, minutes, and audio/video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Committee on Ways and Means must hold hearings as necessary to determine state expenditures and revenues for the fiscal biennium.
“(b) Within 25 days after the last state general fund revenue and expenditure forecast for the next fiscal biennium becomes available during the regular session in the odd-numbered year, the Committee on Ways and Means must adopt a budget resolution. The budget resolution: (1) must set the maximum limit on net expenditures for the next fiscal biennium for the general fund, (2) must set an amount or amounts to be set aside as a budget reserve and a cash flow account, (3) must set net spending limits for each budget category represented by the major finance and revenue bills identified in paragraph (e), and (4) may set limits for expenditures from funds other than the general fund. The budget resolution must not specify, limit, or prescribe revenues or expenditures by any category other than those specified in clauses (1), (2), (3), and (4). After the Committee adopts the budget resolution, the limits in the resolution are effective during the regular session in the year in which the resolution is adopted, unless a different or amended resolution is adopted.
“(c) During the regular session in the even-numbered year, before the Committee on Ways and Means reports a bill containing net increases or decreases in expenditures as compared to general fund expenditures in the current fiscal biennium estimated by the most recent state budget forecast, the Committee may adopt a budget resolution. If adopted, the resolution must account for the net changes in expenditures. The resolution may also (1) set limits for changes in net expenditures for each budget category represented by the major finance and revenue bills identified in paragraph (e), and (2) set limits for expenditures from funds other than the general fund” (House of Representatives Rules).
Legislative Budget Office Oversight Commission #
Website #
Membership and meeting information available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Legislative Budget Office Oversight Commission was established in 2018 (Minnesota Statutes 3.8854) to review the work of the Legislative Budget Office (LBO) and make recommendations regarding the office’s ability to fulfill its duties. The Oversight Commission is charged with appointing the LBO director and is also responsible for establishing the director’s duties. The director of the LBO serves as the executive secretary of the Commission. The chair and vice-chair alternate biennially between the senate and the house of representatives” (commission website).
Senate Finance Committee #
Website #
Membership; legislation; and meeting schedules, minutes, and audio/video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Committee on Finance has jurisdiction over all bills appropriating money, obligating the state to expend money, or establishing a policy requiring the expenditure of money” (2023 – 2024 Senate Committee Jurisdiction, p. 13).
Confirmations #
- Commissioner of Management and Budget
Budget Jurisdiction #
- Budget Reserve
- Case Flow Account
- Stadium Reserve (2023 – 2024 Senate Committee Jurisdiction, p. 13).