Assembly Committee on Commerce and Labor #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Assembly Committee on Commerce and Labor has jurisdiction over measures affecting primarily certain commercial and property rights and transactions, trade regulations and practices, labor and industrial relations, professions, occupations, businesses, banks, financial institutions and other related organizations, insurance, certain public utilities, and similar entities” (committee website).
Assembly Committee on Education #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Assembly Committee on Education has jurisdiction over measures affecting the system of public instruction, K-12 education, and higher education, except measures affecting state and local revenue” (committee website).
Assembly Committee on Government Affairs #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Assembly Committee on Government Affairs has jurisdiction over measures related to government, public affairs, and veterans issues” (committee website).
Assembly Committee on Growth and Infrastructure #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Assembly Committee on Growth and Infrastructure has jurisdiction over measures related to highways, roads, bridges, vehicles, aeronautics, and energy” (committee website).
Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services has jurisdiction over measures related primarily to public welfare, health care, and safety” (committee website).
Assembly Committee on Judiciary #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Assembly Committee on Judiciary has jurisdiction over measures affecting primarily the State Judicial Department, justice courts, civil practice and procedure, remedies and special actions and proceedings, business associations, securities and commodities, certain commercial instruments and transactions, certain property rights and transactions, domestic relations, wills and estates, guardianships, conservatorships and trusts, criminal procedure, crimes and punishments, gaming, and measures affecting correctional institutions and the ongoing supervision of offenders” (committee website).
Assembly Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Assembly Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections has jurisdiction over measures affecting legislative operations and elections policy” (committee website).
Assembly Committee on Natural Resources #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Assembly Committee on Natural Resources has jurisdiction over measures affecting natural resources, agriculture, and mining policy” (committee website).
Assembly Committee on Revenue #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Assembly Committee on Revenue has jurisdiction over measures affecting state and local revenue and monetary policy” (committee website).
Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“[J]urisdiction over measures affecting primarily titles 52-55 of NRS, and chapters 97-100, 118-119, 119B, 461, 461A, 489, 678A, 678B, 678D, 679A-693A, 694A-697, 711 and 712 of NRS, except measures affecting primarily state and local revenue” (Senate Standing Rule No. 40-3(a)).
Senate Committee on Education #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“[J]urisdiction over measures affecting primarily chapters 353B, 378-380A, 385-386 and 388-399 of NRS, except measures affecting primarily state and local revenue” (Senate Standing Rule No. 40-3(b)).
Senate Committee on Government Affairs #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“[J]urisdiction over measures affecting primarily titles 20, 21, 25, 27, 28, 30, 36 and 37 of NRS, and chapters 223-228, 232-233I, 234-237, 238- 242, 271, 277-280, 286-289, 353, 353A, 353C-358, 381, 384, 472, 474, 477, 693B, 709, 710 and 720 of NRS, except measures affecting primarily the provisions of the Nevada Administrative Procedure Act that govern the adjudication of contested cases, the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, state and local revenue and state and federal budget issues” (Senate Standing Rule No. 40-3(d)).
Senate Committee on Growth and Infrastructure #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“[J]urisdiction over measures affecting primarily title 44 of NRS, and chapters 403-405, 408, 410, 459A, 476, 480-487, 490 and 701-708 of NRS, except measures affecting primarily state and local revenue” (Senate Standing Rule No. 40-3(e)).
Senate Committee on Health and Human Services #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“[J]urisdiction over measures affecting primarily titles 38 and 39 of NRS, chapters 439-442 of NRS, NRS 444.002-444.430 and chapters 446-453C, 454-458A, 460, 583-585 and 678C of NRS, except measures affecting primarily state and local revenue” (Senate Standing Rule No. 40-3(f)).
Senate Committee on Judiciary #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“[J]urisdiction over measures affecting primarily the provisions of the Nevada Administrative Procedure Act that govern the adjudication of contested cases, titles 2-7, 9, 11-16 and 41 of NRS, and chapters 1, 2-7, 101-104A, 111-117, 119A, 120, 120A, 475, 719, 721 and 722 of NRS, except measures affecting primarily state and local revenue” (Senate Standing Rule No. 40-3(g)).
Senate Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“[J]urisdiction over measures affecting primarily titles 17, 24 and 29 of NRS, chapters 281-285 of NRS, and the operation of the legislative session, except measures affecting primarily state and local revenue” (Senate Standing Rule No. 40-3(h)).
Senate Committee on Natural Resources #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“[J]urisdiction over measures affecting primarily titles 26 and 45-50 of NRS, chapters 383, 407 and 407A of NRS, NRS 444.435-444.650, chapters 444A445D, 459, 488, 581, 582 and 586-590 of NRS, and the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, except measures affecting primarily state and local revenue” (Senate Standing Rule No. 40-3(i)).
Senate Committee on Revenue and Economic Development #
Website #
Membership; sponsored bills and bills discussed in committee; and meeting schedule, agenda, minutes, documents, exhibits, and video available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“[J]urisdiction over measures affecting primarily title 32 of NRS, chapters 231, 231A, 237A, 271A-274 and 453D of NRS, and state and local revenue” (Senate Standing Rule No. 40-3(j)).