“The chairman of a standing or select committee, or a subcommittee thereof, of the general assembly, or of either house thereof, authorized to send for persons and papers, may subpoena witnesses in any part of the state to appear before such committee or subcommittee at a time and place designated in the subpoena, to testify concerning matters of inquiry committed to the committee or subcommittee and may require the production of books, papers, and records by such witnesses” (Ohio Revised Code, Section 101.41).
House Rules #
“(a)(1) The chair of a House standing or select committee, when authorized by a majority vote of the standing or select committee, may subpoena witnesses in any part of the state to appear before such committee at a time and place designated in the subpoena to testify concerning any pending or contemplated legislative action, any matters of inquiry committed to the committee, and any alleged breach of the House’s privileges or misconduct by any of the House’s members. Pursuant to this subpoena power, any witness subpoenaed may be ordered to produce books, papers, electronic documents, or records and other tangible evidence.
“(2) The chair shall file any subpoenas authorized pursuant to this rule with the Clerk, who shall cause the same to be entered in the Journal, and the subpoena shall be served pursuant to law. (See sections 101.41 to 101.45 of the Revised Code.)
“(b) Within the limits of its charge by the General Assembly or the House and in accordance with section 101.81 of the Revised Code, the chair of a standing or select committee, by majority vote of the committee, may order any person to appear before the committee and produce books, papers, electronic documents, or records and other tangible evidence for the committee with respect to any pending or contemplated legislative action, or any alleged breach of House privileges or misconduct by House members. The chair shall file the order with the Clerk, who shall cause the same to be entered in the Journal. The order shall be served in accordance with section 101.81 of the Revised Code” (House Rule 33).
Senate Rules #
“When authorized by the President, the chairperson of a standing committee of the Senate, with respect to any pending or contemplated legislation, or with respect to any matter committed to the standing committee, or the chairperson of a select committee of the Senate, with respect to any matter committed to the select committee, may issue a subpoena under sections 101.41 to 101.46 of the Revised Code, or may issue an order under section 101.81 of the Revised Code, to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of books, papers, or other tangible evidence” (Senate Rule 20).