Type of Legislature Wyoming has a part-time, bicameral legislature. House of Representatives: 60 members | 2-year terms Senate: 30 members…
Committee Oversight Authority
"28-1-109. Issuance and service of subpoena; privilege of witness; witness fees and expenses. "(a) The presiding officer of either house…
Standing Committees Focused on Oversight
Management Audit Committee Website Membership, meeting schedule, and minutes available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "(a) During every regular session the president…
Committees with Jurisdictional Oversight Authority
*Note: Parallel standing committees meet in the House and Senate during the regular legislative session but merge in the interim…
Fiscal Committees
Joint Appropriations Committee Website Membership and meeting schedule and details available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "(a) The joint appropriations committee shall sit in…
Oversight Partners
Department of Audit Website Mission Statement "The Department of Audit supports Wyoming state government as a responsible steward of state…
Fiscal Data
State Budget Department Budget, annual reports, strategic plans, and more available on website WyOpen Searchable state checkbook available on website…
Oversight in the News
Lawmakers take on election reform, appointment process (WyoFile, 10/18/2022) The Wyoming Legislature's Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Committee addressed…