• Legislature

    Type of Legislature Wyoming has a part-time, bicameral legislature. House of Representatives: 60 members | 2-year terms Senate: 30 members…

  • Committee Oversight Authority

    "28-1-109. Issuance and service of subpoena; privilege of witness; witness fees and expenses. "(a) The presiding officer of either house…

  • Standing Committees Focused on Oversight

    Management Audit Committee Website Membership, meeting schedule, and minutes available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "(a) During every regular session the president…

  • Committees with Jurisdictional Oversight Authority

    *Note: Parallel standing committees meet in the House and Senate during the regular legislative session but merge in the interim…

  • Fiscal Committees

    Joint Appropriations Committee Website Membership and meeting schedule and details available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "(a) The joint appropriations committee shall sit in…

  • Oversight Partners

    Department of Audit Website Mission Statement "The Department of Audit supports Wyoming state government as a responsible steward of state…

  • Fiscal Data

    State Budget Department Budget, annual reports, strategic plans, and more available on website WyOpen Searchable state checkbook available on website…

  • Oversight in the News

    Lawmakers take on election reform, appointment process (WyoFile, 10/18/2022) The Wyoming Legislature's Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Committee addressed…