New Mexico
Type of Legislature New Mexico has a part-time, bicameral legislature. House of Representatives: 70 members | 2-year terms Senate: 42…
Committee Oversight Authority
"2-1-2. [Power of officers to administer oaths to witnesses.] "The presiding officer of the senate, the speaker of the house…
Non-Standing Committees Focused on Oversight
Investments & Pensions Oversight Committee Website Membership and meeting agendas and handouts available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "During the 2022 interim,…
Committees with Jurisdictional Oversight Authority
House Agriculture, Acequias, and Water Resources Committee Website Membership and meeting agenda available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction Requested from committee. House…
Fiscal Committees
House Appropriations & Finance Committee Website Membership and meeting agendas available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "All bills carrying appropriations or requiring…
Oversight Partners
Legislative Finance Committee, Program Evaluation Unit Website Mission Statement "The Program Evaluation Unit conducts systematic assessments of state government spending…
Fiscal Data
Department of Finance & Administration, Budget Division Budget, budget boot camp, appropriations, and more available on website New Mexico Sunshine…
Oversight in the News
State Treasurer and Auditor warn local governments and banks against risky practice (KUNM, 5/15/2023) The state treasurer and auditor of New…