• Legislature

    Type of Legislature California has a full-time, bicameral legislature. State Assembly: 80 members | 2-year terms Term limit: 12 years…

  • Committee Oversight Authority

    Assembly Rules “(a)  The standing committees of the Assembly created pursuant to Rule 11, with the exception of the Committee on…

  • Standing Committees Focused on Oversight

    Assembly Committee on Accountability and Administrative Review Website Membership; publications; and oversight hearings schedule, agendas, and documents available on website.…

  • Committees with Jurisdictional Oversight Authority

    Assembly Committee on Aging and Long-Term Care Website Membership, hearings, reports, committee rules, and COVID-19 and aging information available on…

  • Fiscal Committees

    Assembly Committee on Appropriations Website Membership and hearing schedules available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "Primary jurisdiction is fiscal bills, including bonds…

  • Oversight Partners

    Legislative Analyst's Office Website Mission Statement "The Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) has provided fiscal and policy advice to the Legislature…

  • Fiscal Data

    By the Numbers: State Controller's Office Interactive data of revenues, spending, and more from local governments available on website Data…

  • Oversight in the News

    California bill would reform ‘failing’ system serving adults and kids with disabilities (Sacramento Bee, 2/24/2023) California’s 1977 law requires state to…